Wow, this is the very first elimination in Pearl.Models' history! I think that the result were stunning! Some of you might have shown us more potential than others, but overall it was amazing to see what you would come up with.
So, let us start this one![in order]
Starting with the task winner:
lauren-d: Your task was just breathtaking! You had one of the difficult creatures, but you solved this problem with high fashion! The outfit and styling were amazing and the pose simple yet very appropriate. You conveyed the whole werewolf theme so perfect that we think that you deserve the first place!
Sweet_gal11: This scenery really blew us away! It was so stunning and I didn't even notice that there was no pose! Still, that is something we would like to see, next time. Now we know that you have an eye for the whole scene, which is really important, too. I am thrilled to see more!
starsyd3333: I am really impressed with your work, and so are the other judges. You portrayed a unicorn in a beautiful way. I have to admit that I was a bit unsure what you will come up with, but you blow all my concerns away! Work a bit on the background the next time and make sure that the details[like the horn] are placed right!
Emo.Punk.Emo: Your doll looked so stunning and the pose you did was something new and different from what the others did, If you are using horsehair, make sure that it looks real! I know how hard it is but it's important. Not much bad things to say, here! You nailed the mermaid theme!
iovanca: Your scenery really was what I expected: sweet and stunning! Everyone just loved the pose and you managed it to make your doll look small between the plants. You just need to work on little details, like the styling[as I told you: the hairband wasn't really appropriate for the theme] and the background. But you did an amazing job!
RockinEllee: Your task was quite a challenge I think. But you came up with a great story and a great scenery. I have to say, that the story pushed your scenery to a new level. Still, there are some thing you can work on, like rounding up the joints a bit more. But the pose was something no one else did and very ambitious. So great work!
xxirenelovexx: It was hard for us to judge this one, because you didn't explain it. Everyone really loved it, but I feel like you strayed way from the task. I don't see witch at all. If you are taking a risk and go for something new, write a description which explains everything to us! Otherwise I can't guarantee that your beautiful work will pay off!
JosieMae8445: Even though you said you didn't have the time to do the scenery, your task looked like you really put thought into it! You turned the ghost theme into high fashion[we all really adored the dress!], though your pose wasn't the best. In know that you can do better if you have more time!
Pauo-Watson: Paulina, you had by far the most difficult task! A dwarf is hard to portray, because it is pretty much the opposite of a model, which should be fierce, tall and elegant. You managed to show as a dwarf and I could see which creature you had after looking at it for one second. The judges and I just feel like you were a bit lost in the dwarf theme. That means that you showed us only dwarf but not model. But I am sure that you can go more high fashion next time!
yoTOO: It was a bit hard to judge this one, because we didn't have a tinypic. I don't know what you have to work on[when it come to your posing skills]. I just know that your scenery was really powerful and devilish.
Step it up a bit next time, don't forget the screen print and I am sure you will blow us away!
Lady-leva: When I first looked at your scenery I thought: Oh, what a beautiful angel. But your task was a siren. But your description helped me understand the meaning of your task. You clearly have to work on your posing techniques, surprise is next time, because I think your scenery was a bit save!
Bottom three:
ntenia: I gave you the chance to be a part of Pearl.Models because I think that you are very editorial. But when I saw your task was disappointed. Like Blair said, it was soo cliche. Nothing new, nothing fierce! I didn't see any personality at all. Your second try was so amazing. I don't know why you didn't give your all right from the beginning! NOTE TO EVERYONE: She was judged on her first scenery, but she had problems understanding the task correctly, so I allowed her to re-do the task. We didn't consider the second scenery in our decision!
xxlovexx: The judges pretty much agreed on everything. The pose was great and so was the dress. The background was super cute, but the silver rain was soo distracting. I felt like it took away this feeling of a different world, which was part of the task. The make up and expression didn't fit the theme at all. You just strayed aways from the task a bit.
KimberlyX: You didn't do the task!
Not doing the task, without any explanation is unacceptable! So Rebecca you're out.
But wait. This is not the only elimination for today. I didn't told you, but this is a DOUBLE ELIMINATION! You always have to be prepared and give your best. I am sorry, but that means that Kimberly you're out, too.
I think it is a pity to not have you with us. And you can't imagine how hard it is for me to let anyone go. I love your everyday look and I thought that you would come up with something cute and charming. I know that you have this little extra something, but you might need a bit more time!
Task 2 will be posted later this day!
Also a big thank you to our guest judge ashley.191 !! She was really impressed by what you all did. You should check out her club TopModelAgency, join and have fun :).
Hasta luego, Love Melinda