Sunday, 20 February 2011

Task 4!

Well hello my little Pearls! 

It's time to announce task 4. And I have to say that I really love this task. But I am honest with you guys, it wasn't my idea. I saw it in another club called DistinctModels owned by alice2078. I think auditions for the next cycle will start soon.
So you are probably asking yourself what your task is, right? Well, your task is it to create a scenery based on a genre of movie.If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I want you to know that you always can ask your questions if you don't have a clue what to do or if you have a specific ide but you are not sure if you are allowed to incorporate it into your scenery. Be creative with this one, You can tell your own story and make it kind of your movie if you want to. Show us a scene or anything you want, as long as it has something to do with your genre. I am really looking forward to seeing what you will do! I know that you will impress the judges and me.

Here are the different genres I have assigned to you:

iovanca: Romance
Emo.Punk.Emo: Drama
lauren-d: Action
JosieMae8445: Dancing Movie
Pauo-Watson: Thriller
Sweet_gal11: Science-Fiction
RockinWllee: Adventure
ntenia: Crime
Foxy_Roxie: Horror

(Again: If you don't know what to do, we can talk about that and you may get another genre BUT only in case of need ;P, so try your best!) 

Deadline: 28th February 2011!

Good luck to all of you!

Love, Melinda

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Elimination 3!

Hello models!

I have to say that I was really impressed with what you did this week! I didn't think that the level would be rising so fast, but I am happy, that I found such a talented group. So I decided to do it a little bit different today, by telling you who is eliminated before I will judge you. It is a little bit difficult this time, because two didn't do the task! Lady_Ieva and starsyd3333. Normally both of you would be out, BUT: I will give you Sydney a second chance, because you haven't been online the whole week and I you probably have some reasons to not be on Stardoll. If you manage to do the task during the next week you will get the chance to still be a contestant. Ieva, i sent you a reminder and you didn't do the task, even though you have been online. That is unacceptable! You are eliminated!

Now for the lucky ones who don't have to be afraid of leaving! The list from best to worst:

iovanca: WOW. You really stepped your game up this week and I am so glad you did! The perfume ad you did was just stunning and the pose was again really realistic and overall just stunning! All the judges were impressed. 

Pauo-Watson: Paulina, your ad was a new take on something that have been done several times before. But you made it yours and gave it something modern. It was a bit white, though. Still I loved that you incorporated a bit of color, because I know you as someone who loves black and white. I said it before, I see that you are growing from week to week. Keep your amazing work up!

lauren-d: You managed to do a great scenery, yet again. This time there were just a few things that were a bit confusing and not too well executed. But that is me being very very picky. Your ad was a real ad(you created a whole scene) and that's what I liked about it. Work on the small things and I know you will impress us again!

ntenia: This was drop dead gorgeous! You used the horse hair very well and the styling and setting was breathtaking. I was charmed by your scenery from the first second. The reason why you didn't win this task, was because you didn't make it your fragrance. You used Chanel as your brand and the logo, as well as the bottle weren't as stunning as your medoll. But the scenery itself was just divine!

RockinEllee: Your task was solid and fit the theme perfectly. I liked that you were so feminine and girly but not cheesy, which is hard to manage! Try to work on your expression, though. An ad is all about the expression of the model and you weren't very convincing. Still, I wanted to have that fragrance and that was a huge part of the task- making the viewer want to buy it.

Sweet_gal11: The concept you came up with was very modern and just great! And you always have such an amazing styling. But the pose wasn't that convincing and didn't really make sense to me. The background was spacey and fit the theme, but you didn't make me want that perfume. Try to work on your posing and how to make it look realistic.

Foxy_Roxie: Your scenery was inspired by one of  Linnea's sceneries and I could clearly see that by looking at it. But Linnea's scenery was so well-matched and one of the best underwater scenery I have ever seen, that it was tough to not be influenced by that. The dress was great, the hair not so much! I just didn't see that as an ad for a perfume, because I almost didn't notice the bottle. The whole concept was great, though. But it is important, to show the product you are selling as good as possible!

JosieMae8445: So, you had a few problems in real live. And I can totally understand that. But if you wouldn't have said that you  would have been at the bottom of the list! the pose looked a bit random and all the different colors were just confusing. It looked as if you had soo many ideas, but didn't know how to incorporate them in one scenery. Try to put your focus on 1 idea next time.

Emo.Punk.Emo: I felt like you were in a hurry when I looked at your task. The hair was a little bit sloppy and so was the outfit. The pose was great! But all the flaws like he missing background an the not convincing styling over shined the good things. I do appreciate that you did such a big bottle, because I expected someone to do that, so thumbs up for that. Just try to take your time for the next task and I am sure you will blow as away.

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Linnea, our guest judge this week! We were honoured to have you with us and your tips were very helpful!

Task 4 will be posted soon ;]!
And I just wanted to tell you that you make me really proud! You are such a great great group of contestants and I couldn't wish of any something else. This first Cycle would be nothing without you, so thanks a lot for being a part of it!

Love, Melinda

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Task 3!

Hello Models!

It's time for the next task and I hope you like it as much as I do. But first things first! I am sorry for the delay, we all have been busy these days me as well as some of the other judges. Now were back on track!

This time, we ant to see a more commercial side of you. After the last task was all about high fashion! So your task is it to create a Perfume Ad! You don't need to write a script, but if you have an idea for it or a possible name, tell us! Again you have pretty much freedom. Just make sure, that you sell the product in a way we would like to buy it! You can make this a  beauty shot, which means, that your medoll is shown form the chest upwards. I have posted some tips for the use of horse hair and I will post more and more tips, to help you with your work. Just a few things: If you are using horse hair (which I think is always very ambitious), make sure that it looks realistic! Even I have still problems with using it in an appropriate way, sometimes! And if you do a beauty shoot, it is soo important to have the right expression on your face. It should fit the theme! JUST A LITTLE TIP: I am not a huge fan of speech bubbles in sceneries, so if you have an idea for the name and you want to include the name into your scenery, be creative but don't go with the obvious! You can always write it in your explanation. BUT AS I SAID, you don't have to find a name ;D !

Also: We have an amazing guest judge for this week... it's Linnea a.k.a. .pease. ! She is a high fashion supermodel here on Stardoll and I adore her sceneries (Check out the interview I did with her here on the blog). She truly knows what it takes to be a model and I hope you are as lucky as me that we have her as  guest judge this week!

DEADLINE : 16 February 2011 ... I hope you spent Valentines day with your beloved :].

Here are some pictures of the beautiful Miss Dior Chérie - campaign:

Love, Melinda

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Tips: How to use horse hair!

A lot of the Pearl.Models contestants are using horse hair to make their sceneries look more realistic. But you have to know how to pull it off, otherwise it will look sloppy and unrealistic.
In this 'tutorial' I will show you how you can use it to your advantage.

Here we have beauty shoot. Looks nice, doesn't it? But there are a few things we can change to make it fabulous!
At first, there is the elbow. I just used one tile there. but that isn't enough. It looks still way too sharp!

 So I used about 5 other tiles to make it rounder and more realistic!:

Now for the horsehair. The easiest way to use it is a ponytale. I really like using it that way, because you are able to create a whole new hairstyle! But ut also adds a lot of motion. As you can see, it looks as if wind is blowing from the right to the left! What supports this effect is my expression. I just changed my mouth and immediately looks as if my doll is moving.

 One 'piece' of horse would be already enough, but again, to make it look real I am going to use two more. NOTE: Don't think that it will look better the more pieces you use! Sometimes less is more. 
The problem now, is that you can see the edges of the horsehair, which takes away the realness:

But lucky me and lucky you, we have those wonderful tools, which help us letting the pieces fade into the background:

 Et voilá! We have a wonderful beauty-motion shoot:

Again a beauty shoot. But this time without a pose. Looks already nice:

But it can look like this:

This is how it looks with my medoll in the background. I hope you get the idea, because I didn't want to explain every single step :P:

The right hair is just one of a few aspects a good scenery should have. There is also the expression. And as you can see above, just a few changes (eyebrows or lips or both) can help you to create real emotion. I want you to think about all these things before doing a scenery the next time, because it can bring you to the next level!
More tutorial are going to come! I hope it helps!
Love, Melinda

Friday, 4 February 2011

Elimination 2!

Well hello again models!

I know its a little bit late, but I had a busy week. I hope you all understand it :]. As you probably noticed, there was no guest judge this week. I said so, but he or she didn't have the time either(I won't tell you who it is ;P)!
But lets not talk about the things in the past, but about what's ahead!

In order from best to worst:

lauren-d: WOW. It is our first cycle. The second task. And we already have someone who enters the history books of Pearl.Models. You are the first one who won two task in a row! There is not much to say, but that all the judges are very impressed with your work. Try to show us a great background next time (I didn't forgot that you couldn't put anything else in) and I am sure we will see something fabulous!

RockinEllee: I loved that you showed us a more high fashion side this time. Your dress was a dream and Blair said she wants to have it! I liked how full your scenery was and that you interpreted the word 'masquerade' in a whole new way! Keep up that great work!

Sweet_gal11: And again. You are (almost) at the top of the list with one of the simplest poses. But you showed us that you can do amazing sceneries which are simple yet stunning. Still I would like to see something else from you. I know that you can step it up a notch. I really see a lot of potential, because you are one of the few who are changing their dolls expression and think about everything! Try a new pose and I will be happy :].

Pauo-Watson: High fashion alarm! This is what I wanted to see from you! The dress was gorgeous and I really would wear that, like thousand of other girls. It was great to see this side of you. Now we know that you can do both, high fashion and commercial. What I really loved about this task, was the intensity in your doll's eyes. That can make a scenery sooo much better! But you didn't really show us 'masquerade'. That's pretty much the only negative aspect. Try to interpret the tasks in a completely new way. Make it yours!

ntenia: You took a risk by showing your medoll from a different angle, but I think it worked really well here! The styling was amazing and that's what I wanted to see. You are high fashion and that's what make you so interesting every week. The only thing you have to work on is the pose. You can round up the joints a little bit more, to make it look more realistic. But still, you did great this week and I would love to see that again from you.

Lady_leva: You were a little bit late this week, but that's okay. I am glad you managed it to do the task, because it was great to see a different side from you. The pose was quite simple, but much better executed than last week. The bottom of the dress was beautiful, the top not so much. But I know that you can do a great styling. I really see that you improved and that is soo important. Great job!

JosieMae8445: You had more time this week and now I know that you can do much better! I loved that you thought about everything and your story was beautiful. The styling and background, too. Just work on the pose a bit and try to make it look as realistic as possible. But still, good job!

xxirenelovexx: You really nailed the masquerade theme! The reason why you are at the bottom of the list, is that the pose was way too simple and  way too bad executed! That is not what you are able to do and it has nothing to do with the amount of different items you posses! I hope that you will show us a more ambitious pose next time and blow us away!

Emo.Punk.Emo: YOur scenery could have been under the top 3! Unfortunately the execution wasn't good at all. I get what you were going for, but it seemed a little bit sloppy. The pose was ambitious, though. I know that you are able to create amazing sceneries and I hope that we will see it the next time!

Bottom 3:

iovanca: Eventhough your pose was interesting and unique we thought that your task didn't show us your whole potential. The styling was questionable and we expected a bit more from you after the last task. I know that you have a great sense of style, and I know that some of the things we say might sound as if we want you to change everything. But I just feel like you didn't stay true to yourself. At least not 100% . It's better to take a risk than to do something boring.

starsyd3333: I am sorry to say that, but your task was the weakest out of the bunch. It was a dissapointment to see someone who started out in the top 3 going down to the bottom 3. You are able to do great poses, but the styling was hideous. I think you aren't a natural talent, but you are able to improve very fast. You listen to what the judges are telling you and I hope that it will helps next time!

yoTOO: You didn't do the task!

As I already said last week: Not doing the task is unacceptable! That means that Mia, you are out! I know that you have a lot of potential, but I sent you a reminder and you even wrote something back! You were active these days and had the time to ask for an extension!
But, what about you Sydney?
You are safe this week! I don't know what happened this time but I don't want to see you struggeling ever again, because you can do soooo much better. Show that!

The next task will be posted this weekend!
Stay fierce ;].

Salut, Melinda