Thursday, 12 May 2011

Elimination 8!

I am really really sorry for the long delay, but school was quite stressing and so on. But now we are back on track!

Sooo I hope you remember the last task.. No?! Well the most important thing about it is probably the prize! The winner will be walking on the runway of Linus Leonardssons(Dog_boy96) upcoming collection of Kharma. So without further delay I will announce which lucky girl will get the real modeling gig!

The winner for this task is...

For me it was a tie between You Marte and Elle, but at the end of the day Linus had the final decision in his hands and he wanted you. So congrats, you can be very proud of yourself. Both your sceneries where stunning.What you can work on: on the shape of your body. I also think that you could have used real trousers our jeans for the guy to wear. And the motorbike wasn't placed correctly. It should have been much lower, because if the ground was so high we would see more of the guys legs. But still amazing job!

Elle:Your poses were full of creativity and innovation! I loved it. But the small mistakes(you know what I mean) can really be distracting and destroy the overall look, think about the whole scene, how styling and background harmonize. Also: Don't forget the face!

Bottom Two:

Ioana: I don't know what happened this week, but your scenery really lacked at all points. Especially the Edie Sedgewick one. Edie is one of my idols and I was expecting much after I read the explanation but the pose, clothing and whole background weren't convincing, you fall from the top to the bottom.

Isabelle: Your sceneries this week were good. Just good, nothing else. I was expecting a bit more since your sceneries weren't very consistent. You won one task, but everyone else won even more tasks!

So who stays?

Ioana. You are the one who stays! I hope that you bring your A game next week and impress us again.
I am sorry Isabelle, but you have to go. I felt like you weren't a hundred percent comitted to this competition, but you have to give your all every single time. I know you have it in yo, that's why you made it this far, but unfortunately you didn't manage to show us the true model in you. Don't stop modeling, but just choose one competition and bring your A game every singy task :).

So final 3! You know what that means?! Only one task left before the finale. You have to show us what you've got because the next task will be different from everything we did before.
And a huge thank you to Linus! You were a wonderful guestjudge and I can't wait to see Marte on the runway :).

Love, Melinda.

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