Sunday, 19 June 2011

Final Task!! + Next cycle!

Our two beautiful finalists. This will be the last task for this cycle. And it will be a lot you'll have to do :D.
 I think I make it short, because otherwise I will get too emotional.

Your task will be divided in 3 parts.

1. Part: Once again you have to show us your commercial side and create a commercial for a new Covergirl's lip product. It can be a lipstick, lip gloss or a lip liner. Make sure that you are easy, breathy and beautiful and that you sell the product the best you can. You should make a beauty shot and add the name of your product as well as a commercial(not too long, maximum two boxes in the comments section). Please make it clear which part your commercial is and which part the description!

2. Part: Then...
Part two is connected with part three. You have to make a scenery which describes how you used to be. You can show us how you started in this competition or how you were as a person when you were a child. I want you to take this task personal and try to convey a specific emotion. It can be anything you want.

3. Part: Now...
So as you may have already guessed, the 3. part will be about how you feel now and how you see yourself. You should put in everything you learned about atmosphere and expression. You can make it an editorial or a story with a beginning and an end. Be creative and show us that you deserve to be the first winner of Pearl.Models! It's really close, guys!

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

DEADLINE: The 4. of July 2011

If you need more time please contact me!

Good Luck and may the best one win!


Now for the next cycle, there will be a twist, as I already told you! There will be 12 contestants. But some of them don't even need to apply! I will choose 6 of them before I put up the auditions! Means that if you want me to visit your suite and have a look at your sceneries, you should post your name either here or under the post I made in the club! PLUS: Three of the lucky ones will be old contestants, who had to leave too soon! If you are an old contestant(and were NOT under the final 5!!!) you might have the chance to come back for this cycle, but be fast, because I already have some people in mind!

I think that sounds quite promising, doesn't it? I can't wait to see what all the new talents come up with :). Hurry up, if you want to have the chance to become a model for the next cycle!(I'm currently working on the new prizes, which will be even better then the old ones!)

PS: If we didn't choose you to be one of the first 6 contestants, that doesn't mean that you do not still have the chance to be under the top 12! You can still apply after I posted the auditions ; ]

UPDATE: I will 'scout' for the first six models until Tuesday the 21st!

Love, Melinda!